Monday, March 21, 2011

Movie Monday VII

It's one of those films that everyone knows, yet only upon revisiting it do they recall how fantastically dull it is.  Instead, this is what you really remember:

Yes, the opening scene of Chariots of Fire, a scene that indelibly linked in our hearts the pounding synthesizers of the 80's with slow motion running on the beach.  A scene that gave us one of the most popular songs to be associated with running, only rivaled by Springsteen's "Born to Run" and Jackson Browne's "Running on Empty."

Say what you will about the rest of the film, but if the sight of these gleeful Brits charging down the strand to the rising crescendo of a flawless soundtrack doesn't make you want to run, then you may as well take up bowling.  Or darts.

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, that opening scene is great, especially the music. It took me 3 years to find it on some flea market in London, but it was totally worth it. That track is so amazing!


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