Sunday, May 8, 2011

The show must go on

The first weekend of All in the Timing is in the books.  The review is already in, and despite poor writing and grammar, some wishy-washy opinions and not liking the one-act I directed, it's a positive review overall.  The reviewer also noted that I "was amazing to watch as he bounced on table and floor several times."  So there's that.  Here's the link.

As Trotsky in "Variations on the Death of Trotsky," with Michael Post as my Spanish Communist assassin and Jaime Geddes as Mrs. Trotsky.

I love good slapstick, and given my athleticism, I gravitate towards injecting my performances with as much physicality as I can get away with.  In this particular play, I die eight dimes, each time in spectacular fashion, each time silently marveling at just how much my body is able to put up with. When I launch myself into the air and land flat on my back on the desk, I barely flinch.  When I fall from a standing position and catch myself with my hands at the last moment, my hands and wrists absorb the shock without complaint.  I wouldn't be able to do any of this if I didn't stay in the shape I do.

Fellow actor: Doesn't that hurt when you fall like that?
Me: If it hurt, do you think I would keep doing it every show?  I do know what I'm doing, believe it or not.
Fellow actor: Don't marathons hurt?  And yet you keep doing those over and over.
Me: Touché.

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