Monday, February 6, 2012

Movie Monday XXX

Here's a commercial for the new Honda CR-V.  Why post a commercial on my blog for which I'll receive no compensation?  For starters, it features a woman who just completed her first marathon. Second, it features music by one of my favorite bands on the planet, Wakey! Wakey! (though you can only hear about three seconds' worth at the end.)

For a better idea of what Wakey! Wakey! sounds like, click here.

For a better idea of what the woman in the commercial is feeling, run a marathon.


  1. I will this year! I don't think our truck will have any waiting messages for me and I also doubt too many people will realize how big a deal it'll be for me either, but I'm still going to do it!

    1. Good luck Tasha. Crossing the finish line of your first marathon is a moment you won't soon forget. It is definitely frustrating when people don't realize how much work goes into earning that moment, but in the end you're doing it for yourself.


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